Parma, the list of 25 for Serie A: here’s all the news

All Serie A clubs have their new list of 25 ahead of the second half of the season. Here is Parma’s, with the Croatian club having included all the new faces: in fact, the various Milan Djuric, Alessandro Vogliacco, Mateo Pellegrino and Richard Marcone are included. And there are also the other signings, Ondrejka and Lovik, who being a 2002 and 2003 respectively are not on the list.

List over 22 trained in Italy
40 Ravens
15 Delprato
14 Valeri
33 Marcone

List over 22
5 Valenti
3 Osorio
28 Mihaila
27 Hernani
19 Sohm
10 Bernabé
8 Estevez
98 Man
11 Almqvist
9 Charpentier
7 Benedyczak
30 Djuric
21 Vogliacco
32 Pellegrino

The post Parma, the list of 25 for Serie A: here’s all the news appeared first on Forza Parma.

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