Napoli, 150 million for the summer: the 4 names already watched by Manna

Calcio Napoli News – The Azzurri are ready to invest €150 million for the summer: find out the 4 names already watched by Giovanni Manna

For Calcio Napoli soccer news, the morning immediately opens with a focus dedicated to the possible future investments of the Azzurri. The winter soccer market has just ended, but with such an important treasure ahead of the summer, the management will be ready to invest to significantly strengthen the squad for next season. The hope, in fact, is to hit the qualification for the next Champions League, which will bring additional revenue after the disposals of Kvaratskhelia and the future one of Osimhen.

About 75 million euros came from the Georgian, the same amount Napoli is expected to receive from the sale of the striker now on loan at Galatasaray. A budget of 150 million, which yes, is certainly less attractive than the 220 million the club reportedly received as an offer from PSG last summer, but remains a respectable haul to reinvest.

Manna prepara il mercato estivo del Napoli: anche Zirkzee tra gli obiettivi

With such a figure one will have a very good starting point. To the 150 million, in addition to those from the Champions proceeds, could be added those that will come from the eventual disposals of Lindstrom, Cajuste, Ostigard and Natan. The 4 loan players will have to be re-evaluated by Antonio Conte, who will have to have a large squad for the 3 competitions on the schedule.

Joshua Zirkzee obiettivo del Napoli (LaPresse) –

But what are the four names that Giovanni Manna would have already pinned to his phone ahead of the summer? Reporting rumors is Corriere dello Sport in today’s edition. In the newspaper, they go off the deep end with the profiles that the sporting director would already be looking at ahead of July and August, when it will be necessary to get into the thick of negotiations and avoid mistakes like those made in January.

Il primo è sicuramente quello di Joshua Zirkzee, attaccante in forze al Manchester United e che già conosce bene la Serie A. Dopo il suo addio al Bologna la scorsa estate, il rendimento in Inghilterra è crollato a picco. Appena 4 i gol messi a segno e un amore mai sbocciato con i Red Devils. A lungo nel mirino della Juventus, si potrebbe aprire un’asta interessante per portarlo in azzurro.

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Oltre al già citato Zirkzee, resta viva anche la pista che porterebbe a Edon Zhegrova. Esterno kosovaro del Lille, che il club francese non ha voluto vendere in inverno. Mancino che agisce sul lato destro, è un nome che da tempo piace al Napoli e potrebbe rappresentare un upgrade importante in quella zona del campo.

Torna in auge anche Gabri Veiga, a un passo dal Napoli due anni fa e poi volato in Arabia Saudita. Una scelta di cui si sarebbe forse già pentito e che potrebbe spingerlo nuovamente verso la maglia azzurra. Infine Sudakov, calciatore di 22 anni dello Shakhtar che viene però valutato oltre 50 milioni di euro dagli ucraini. Ogni discorso verrà rimandato all’estate.

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