The moviola of Atalanta-Bologna: Marinelli whistles everything, then…

Sufficient match direction from Marinelli in Atalanta-Bologna. The Gazzetta dello Sport on newsstands today gave a 6 on the report card to last night’s referee, while acknowledging a changing yardstick over the ninety minutes. “In the beginning, he whistles even sighs, everything. Afterwards, he goes more direct to the real problems: the yellows are fair,” it reads.

As for the individual episodes, this is the moviola from the newspaper: “After a series of continuous breaks (everything is whistled), in the 36th minute there is a contact in the Dea Ndoye-Toloi area: they both belt each other, nothing to report. In the 44th minute, a whistle is missed: Djimsiti on Ndoye is fouled. In the 22nd minute, Cuadrado runs away and Holm touches him from behind: fair yellow, neither red nor penalty. In the 29th minute, Posch lunges at Ndoye: misses the caution. Castro’s goal is ‘on side’, yellows to De Roon and Ndoye correct.”

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