Ezio Greggio: “Don’t take away the joy of watching Juve”

Juve against Benfica played poorly, very poorly at times. The Bianconeri suffered two consecutive defeats, continuing to worry the fans with the game they played. Motta was supposed to turn the team around but instead the Bianconeri had no obvious improvement in any respect. A turnaround is needed and it is needed now.

Juve, le parole di Ezio Greggio sul momento dei bianconeri

Thiago Motta, allenatore della Juventus

Speaking on X, TV host and big Juve fan Ezio Greggio said, “Sivori, Zidane, Del Piero. I want to remind all the Juventus team, no one excluded, that our team has always been composed of great players, often myths like these, as well as almost always of very good coaches, presidents, managers. And by great fans who look to Juve to see a team not only that wins, but that has in individuality (the outstanding players must be built a team game suited to their abilities, not the other way around), that has in commitment and amalgamation (on the field we help each other), that has in the union and collaboration of all the strength that makes the difference. Don’t take away the joy of watching Juve.” But here comes some crazy news: in attack everything changes, may come… <<<

The article Ezio Greggio: “Don’t take away the joy of watching Juve” comes from JuveNews.eu.

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