Becali: “Man? There’s nothing.”

L’agente rumeno: “È a Parma e lotta per la salvezza. Per ora pensiamo solo a quello”

“I can’t speak for a player who has a three-year contract with Parma. They are fighting not to relegate, there is nothing, no situation. He is in Parma. Italians write.” Romanian agent Giovanni Becali thus shut down the rumors around Dennis Man, a player in great difficulty at Parma in the last period, who has entered a vortex from which it seems increasingly complicated to get out. He is at the center of market rumors that want him in advanced negotiations with Fiorentina. “For now we are thinking about Parma. The rest are stories,” Becali explained to, “I’ll talk if something happens.

The post Becali: “Man? There’s nothing” appeared first on Forza Parma.

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