De Siervo: “We want to invest in innovation to help the referee trio.”

Diverse riunioni per il presidente: dalla ristrutturazione del Tardini al Verona per la salvezza

The CEO of Lega Serie A, Luigi De Siervo, spoke on the latest news regarding the introduction of new technologies in support of referees, which will come into effect starting from the Italian Cup semifinals and later in the league: “Lega Serie A wants to continue to invest in innovation, introducing all new technologies that can promote the spectacle of our Championship and support the referee trio. We were, in fact, the first in the world to introduce VAR, SAOT and GLT, we have implemented VAR Message to speed up decision making and now we are ready to integrate VARDict and experiment with the distribution of the referee`s audio signal inside the stadiums and on TV. Communications about how Match Directors will make decisions after the OFR aim to make the measures taken increasingly transparent and understandable for players, team managers and all stakeholders involved, including the public in the stands and TV viewers.”

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