McTominay extols Napoli: “There’s one key thing I’ve learned in these months.”

Scott McTominay is back to talk about his move to Napoli and what he has learned in the past few months: full statements

Scott McTominay has opened his heart, returning to talk about the move to Napoli and all he has learned in these months under the Partenope sun. His words are a mix of gratitude and ambition, a tale that smacks of passion and dreams to pursue. The Scottish midfielder, who left Manchester United to land in Serie A, revealed how this experience has changed him, not only on the field but also off it.

It’s not just about soccer. McTominay has found a new home in Naples, a new way of experiencing the ball, and it has made him a better player, especially for his native Scotland. His performances earned him the International Player of the Year award from the Scottish Football Writers for the second year in a row, and his goal is clear: to play as long as possible, both for club and national team.

Futuro Conte, tra Napoli e Juve: la rivelazione

Mc Tominay’s transfer to Napoli was a step that marked a turning point in the Scottish midfielder’s career.

Futuro Conte, tra Napoli e Juve: la rivelazione (Ansa) –

“Did my move to Napoli improve me? I would say it potentially did.”

Platini alla Juventus: un ritorno da leggenda

McTominay said in an interview with BBC Sport, responding to those who asked him if this experience made him a better player for Scotland.

Ma la strada non è in discesa. Giuntoli trema: il flop di Motta gli è costato caro, e ora Elkann vuole facce nuove e vincenti. Conte, con il suo carisma da condottiero, potrebbe essere la chiave per ridare smalto a una Juventus che non vince lo scudetto da cinque anni, un’eternità per un club abituato a dominare. Intanto, a Napoli si tiene il fiato sospeso. Il futuro di Antonio Conte è un rebus, ma una cosa è certa, il calcio italiano non resta mai fermo.

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