Napoli will be able to restart on a positive note after the break: here’s what Conte can smile about and continue working on for the season finale
The drab draw against Venezia left Napoli fans with a bitter taste in their mouths. A 0-0 that smacks of a wasted opportunity, with the Azzurri able to stay glued to Inter and take advantage of Atalanta’s defeat in their direct clash with the Nerazzurri.
Instead, the fifth draw in seven matches has caused Conte’s team to slip three points off the top, a gap that, at this point in the season, seems like a mountain to climb. But not everything is to be thrown away: there is one statistic that puts a smile back on the Lecce coach’s face and could be the springboard to the Serie A finish.
Calciomercato Napoli, Alvino boccia Gatti: “E’ antisportivo”
The Napoli seen in Venice turned the fans’ noses up at the game, and who could blame them? The Azzurri had a golden chance on their hands to stay hooked to the Inter train, which is traveling fast toward the Scudetto, and put some distance between themselves and Atalanta, which fell at home against the Nerazzurri.
Instead, the 0-0 was another blow to the heart: the fifth draw in seven games, a roster that smacks of chances thrown to the wind. “With one commitment a week, we should have done more,” read X among supporters’ comments, and thoughts turn to those wasted chances in front of the Lagoon goal.
“Non lo voglio al Napoli”, Alvino si oppone al nuovo acquisto: il motivo – La Presse –
The distance from Inter is now three points, and closing the gap looks like a pulse-pounding task, especially if Napoli does not regain the continuity that had led them to dream big. Inzaghi’s cynical and ruthless Inter capitalized on every opportunity, while the Azzurri seem to have lost their nastiness under the goal.
But Conte is not one to give up: the break will be a time to get his head back on straight, even with half the team scattered around the world with national teams. And there is one fact that brings a smile to his face, a ray of sunshine on a gray day.
Napoli su Gatti, Alvino boccia il leader della Juventus
Per rinforzare la difesa di Conte, il Napoli starebbe pensando anche a Federico Gatti della Juventus. Classe 1998, il roccioso centrale è considerato da anni tra i migliori difensori italiani. Con cinque presenze in Nazionale e sedici nelle competizioni europee per club, Gatti sembra aver maturato la giusta esperienza per imporsi ai vertici del campionato.
Nella stagione in corso, tra tutte le competizioni, ha già raccolto trentanove presenze; il bottino è di un gol, due assist e solo tre ammonizioni, a testimonianza dei suoi miglioramenti anche nella gestione dell’aggressività.
“Non lo voglio al Napoli”, Alvino si oppone al nuovo acquisto: il motivo – La Presse –
Il Napoli starebbe dunque valutando anche il suo profilo per rinforzare ulteriormente il reparto arretrato. Un eventuale acquisto che testimonierebbe la forza imprenditoriale assunta dal club di De Laurentiis, ora capace di puntare i migliori elementi dell’acerrima rivale. Forse solo questo aspetto sembra intrigare la fantasia di Carlo Alvino.