Fabregas against Var, offside for a slice of elbow. But Ravezzani tough: “How sad from someone like him…”

Cesc Fabregas hardest against Var: “For me it is not offside on 0-2 for us, because they start the ball when they want them to Var. If you stop a moment before it is regular” . His words reported today by the specialized site “DirettaGoal” in which (photo above) is highlighted the moment when the Var “pinched” the irregular position of Da Cunha who then scored the goal (later annulled by the match director). In fact, the frame highlights a sliver of elbow – a matter of millimeters really – of the Como player beyond the regular line. An imperceptible thing, surely without the Var it would have been considered a valid goal, impossible to catch this nuance with the naked eyeo……

But it is Telelombardia’s well-known reporter Fabio Ravezzani, director in charge of the Lombard broadcaster widely followed by soccer fans, who harshly attacked the Como coach: above – again from “DirettaGoal” – his words towards Cesc.

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