Three penalties in three matches in a row: it had already happened to Lecce in ’98 and ’00

Reporting the figure is the Facebook page dedicated to the history of the Giallorossi club Lecce Amarcord:

The article Three penalties in three matches in a row: it had already happened to Lecce in ’98 and ’00 comes from Calcio Lecce.

L’articolo Genoa-Lecce: arbitra Maresca proviene da Calcio Lecce.

I seguenti incroci a Genova sono da ricondursi ai match estivi di Coppa Italia. Nel 2016 i giallorossi di Padalino sfiorarono il colpaccio, uscendone sconfitti di misura, ed in rimonta, per 3-2. Ben più roboante il successo locale del 2018: 4-0, con annessa esplosione di Piatek e corsa ai ripari di Meluso, che nei giorni seguenti il pesante ko rinforzò, soprattutto in difesa, la compagine di Liverani neopromossa in Serie B.

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Three penalties in three matches in a row: it had already happened to Lecce in '98 and '00
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Three penalties in three matches in a row: it had already happened to Lecce in '98 and '00
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Three penalties in three matches in a row: it had already happened to Lecce in '98 and '00
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