“Exiting the conference would be a snub, a terrible swerve and a total disappointment. With a double-level market, this was supposed to be the season of leapfrogging.”

“Uscire dalla Conference sarebbe uno smacco, una sbandata terribile, e indebolirebbe ancor di più la posizione di Palladino. Sarebbe una delusione totale, pensando che anche la Coppa Italia se ne…

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Galbiati: "Passing with Panathinaikos is the bare minimum, Palladino has many choices
"It's not important who plays in goal, it's not important about my future
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Pizarro: "I expect a lot from Zaniolo, he has important qualities. I would like to replay the Coppa Italia final with Fiorentina, there was no soccer match atmosphere. And with Var..
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