Di Napoli to FN: “Palladino is in line with corporate plans. De Gea must play, the violets will eliminate Panathinaikos. I have confidence in Zaniolo.”

La Fiorentina è nel pieno di un ciclo di partite che saranno senza dubbio decisive per l’intera stagione e FiorentinaNews ha contattato, in esclusiva, l’allenatoreArturo Di Napoli per fare…

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OUT OF THE CHORUS: Have your say on the Fiorentina game
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FOTO FN - Curva Fiesole doesn't stand for it and raises its voice over reduced capacity. Purple fans' protest..
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Mandragora: "My goal allowed us to be more relaxed and play as we knew. We know what Fiorentina-Juventus means for Florence, we've been waiting all year for it too
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