Conceicao responds in press conference to question about his future, Portuguese coach’s words unsettle fans
Lecce-Milan, Sergio Conceicao: le dichiarazioni post-partita (LaPresse) –
For Sergio Conceicao it was another difficult night after those against Torino and Bologna. A third defeat in a row that brings Milan to ninth place, behind Roma, which a few weeks ago was even in the salvation zone, and very far from the Europa zone. The Champions League is a mirage, but the Conference and Europa League are also distant. Now the goal is to try to get back in at least for these, but right now Milan can really lose to anyone.
At the San Siro tonight, the environment was devastating: the Curva Sud came in after 15′ and from then on they chanted so much against Gerry Cardinale and the ownership in general. In all this, Conceicao is having great difficulties and is also making a lot of confusion, with tonight’s change just before the end of the first half Joao Felix for Musah thus defeating the starting lineup.
Sergio Conceicao: le parole a DAZN dopo Lecce-Milan
Many are wondering if something might happen to his bench between now and tomorrow morning, but the feeling is that in the end Conceicao will stay until the end of the season, no matter what. In the press conference, however, he was asked if he feels like continuing the job into next season, and he replied thus, “I have so many things, I have to think about Lecce, I don’t think about who knows what. I live day by day. The most important thing is Milan, it is not Conceicao if he stays or if he does not stay. I feel sorry for the fans, because I am used to winning. I am hurt by this. I am really hurt by these results. I don’t feel good at all right now. And what I do in these moments is to work, even more.”
The article “Would he also stay next year?”, Conceicao’s answer displaces was written and published in its original version on
PULISIC: QUALE RUOLO IDEALE? “Partendo dalla fascia si trova bene a rientrare, poi dipende dalla strategia della partita. Io volevo lui e Musah tra le linee, con Reijnders e Bondo che attiravano i loro centrocampisti per avere quello spazio che abbiamo sfruttato bene nel primo tempo. Ha grande qualità tecnica ed è molto intelligente. Può giocare su entrambe le fasce e dietro le punte. Penso che la sua posizione migliore sia quella che occupa partendo largo e venendo poi dentro”.
SETTIMANA PIU’ TRANQUILLA? – “Vediamo (ride, ndr)”.
L’articolo Sergio Conceicao respira: “Il Milan ha carattere, deve buttarlo fuori sempre” è stato scritto e pubblicato nella sua versione originale sul sito