Italiano has changed Odgaard! With him on the field, it’s a different Bologna

Bologna is growing match by match and, despite a few mishaps, is keeping a good pace to get back into the European cups. Much of the credit undoubtedly goes to Vincenzo Italiano, who has been able to adapt his game to the red and blue reality after a less than exciting start. One of the moves that has characterized this season is undoubtedly the change of position of Jens Odgaard.

The Dane, starting with the match against Genoa, has almost always played as a trequartista behind the forward. Since then something has changed: with Odgaard on the field, Bologna has won 10 out of 17 games and the number 21 has scored 4 goals and provided 2 assists. Now that he is back at Italiano’s disposal, there is fun to be had and against Verona he is a candidate for a starting shirt, after his early return against Milan and Cagliari.

Source: Sports Courier

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