Sparta Prague DS: “Bologna offered 18 million for Vitik, but…”

Former Arsenal player Tomas Rosicky, now sporting director of Sparta Prague, spoke about the bid submitted by Bologna for Martin Vitik, which was rejected due to timing issues.

VITIK. “Martin is a hard worker and has shown character. The offer from the Felsinei was very interesting both technically and economically.”

BOLOGNA OFFER. “The amount proposed was significant, we were talking about 18 million euros, and we probably would have accepted it. However, it came too late for us. Our scouting had already finalized plans and we would not have had time to find a worthy replacement. We made the final decision only after our last Champions League game against Malmö. At that point, we could no longer afford to lose a starter without properly replacing him.”

Source: Livesport Daily

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