Ma chi se ne frega dell’alternanza! Un errore che la Fiorentina non deve assolutamente ripetere

Che lo si voglia o no, la Conference League resta l’unica opportunità in questa stagione per la Fiorentina di vincere qualcosa. Lo scudetto è assolutamente fuori dalle corde di questa squadra, la…

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Factors: "Despite the points made there is something not working around Palladino. The purple coach is inexperienced, but the company should have sent him certain messages privately. Beans..
Proc. Mandragora: "He has another year of contract with Fiorentina, we will talk with the purple club but the market teaches that if he does not renew he will leave
Galbiati: "If Zaniolo and Fagioli do not play tonight it is by technical choice, there is no such thing as talking about physical condition at this point in the season. Panathinaikos struggled with Vikingur, however..
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