Theo Hernandez and Leao with Conte: reversal at AC Milan live

Journalist’s statements. This is how Milan can restart to revitalize next season: the point of the situation

Theo Hernandez e Leao con Conte: ribaltone al Milan in diretta (LaPresse) –

Michael Cuomo spoke to Zona Rossonera, broadcast weekly on Youtube, to take stock of the situation at Milan. These days there really doesn’t seem to be anything to save for the Rossoneri.

Thus, thought is given to next season, in which, inevitably, changes will have to be made. The example to take could be Napoli, which, after a disastrous season, is now fighting for the Scudetto: “I would sign up for a path like theirs this year after last year,” Cuomo says. “Finish tenth, have Conte on the bench in June and fight for the Scudetto. This is the most inviting shortcut the path on the horizon offers.”

Milan will inevitably have to start with a new sporting director and likely a coach other than Sergio Conceicao: “Manna is a great ds? He is not a big name with all due respect. If Milan had Manna every day at Milanello would it be a better team? For me, no. But if Milan had Conte and Manna it would definitely be a better team. Does the choice of coach depend on the ds? For me, no. To choose Conte or Allegri, which are the most credible names you can give Milan to restart next season, in my opinion you don’t need a strong figure as a ds, if instead you go on a more sought-after name then the ds brings it to you.”

“The figure of the ds is important, but the choice of the coach is more important,” the journalist continued. “If I take Conte and then he tells me which ds to take, if it should be Conte who tells me which ds to take, I take what he tells me. In this case the figure of the coach would be more important than the ds. Is it more important today to add a fourth managerial figure and see where he stands or to think about a coach who will primarily fix my locker room? Today is the time to pick up the phone and contact one of them. But you have to do it today. I don’t know if they will do it.”

“You can get the best ds in the world, but if you don’t change as a philosophy it’s the same thing. Nothing changes. Because you get the good ds and then you put a series of stakes on him. Then nothing changes. A good ds, with all the stakes imposed on Moncada, does the same things as Moncada. Would it change the relationship with the locker room? I don’t think that with Tare or Paratici, someone like Theo Hernandez now stands there and gives a different input. There are two priorities in my opinion before the ds: will Milan, understood as ownership and management, shake off its stakes and its stringent ideas? The second is the coach.”

Futuro Theo e Leao: il parere di Cuomo

Thus is addressed the talk related to the future of Theo Hernandez and Rafa Leao: “Maybe with Maldini things with Theo would change. Today, however, I do not make predictions. Theo and Leao are not Milan’s problems. A team that is ninth in the standings is not in that position because of two players who play on the outside. They are two players who perform below the level. Maybe it is because the environment is toxic at the locker room level. Milan is ninth because wrong choices were made in the summer, the club is not calcistically strong, the choice of Fonseca was wrong, the club did not intervene in significant episodes, Conceicao psychologically dismantled the locker room.”

“I named 5 points without mentioning Theo and Leao, and I would be the society I would be in a hurry to put them in a position to be an added value. How to do that? Di Lorenzo last year was Theo Hernandez, today he is captain and most used player because Conte arrived. If Conte arrived why do I have to send Theo everywhere in March? The choice of coach then is fundamental. Rather than give up Theo and Leao I would take a level coach, for Milan, which is in my opinion the second shortlist in the league after Inter.”

The article Theo Hernandez and Leao with Conte: live tipping at AC Milan was written and published in its original version on

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