Parolo: “I have a hard time accepting the penalty whistled at Balogh.”

L’ex centrocampista del Parma: “Quello è l’unico posto in cui può mettere il braccio per far se stesso più piccolo”

During the in-depth program dedicated to the analysis of refereeing episodes, Open Var, aired on Dazn, people returned to talk about Maresca’s performance and his decision to award the penalty kick to Udinese. Former Parma midfielder Marco Parolo responded as follows, “I, as a former footballer, have a hard time accepting it. That is the only place he can put his arm to make himself smaller. He could never have kept it behind his back, he is falling forward and in the dynamics it goes to close in front of his face. As a former soccer player I don’t know where he could have held his arm. Unlike Dumfries he would not have hit the outline of the body, but it remains that I don’t know how he could have disposed himself if not like that. In the dynamics of the fall he would have had no way to dispose himself otherwise. It is the dynamics of the body in motion, for as a former footballer it is not a penalty, it is my feeling from the field.”

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