Milinkovic-Savic, the paradox: he is still off Serbia’s list

Il portiere del Torino, autore di un campionato al di sopra delle aspettative, non è stato convocato dal ct della Serbia

There is no Vanja Milinkovic-Savic on Dragan Stojkovic’s roster for Serbia’s double engagement against Austria scheduled during the break. The Torino goalkeeper, who has often turned in above-average performances this season in addition to the statistic on penalties saved, will not be part of the group that will try to retain the Nations Legue A Division.

Assente nelle ultime due occasioni

A real paradox, considering the goalkeeper’s performance. The coach, this time, decided to do without him by his own choice, after on the last two occasions – in October and then in November – it had been physical problems that had prevented Vanja from answering the call. In October he had returned for an injury while the following month the selector did not call him up, explaining that injury-related reasons were behind the choice.

Vanja Milinkovic-Savic

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