Confirmations coming in: AC Milan takes former Juventus man

Milan is in talks to bring the former Juventus man to the Rossoneri, the rumor has been confirmed by multiple parties

Il Milan pensa all’ex Juve (ANSA) –

In June a new turnaround could come to the Milan house. In the last two years, that is, since the new technical project began with the farewells of Maldini and Massara, slowly began the dismantling of the team that only a few years ago won the Scudetto. Work continued substantially in January with the disposals of two senators such as Calabria and Bennacer, and could have been even wider with Tomori and Theo Hernandez (sold to Tottenham and Como respectively).

Strategy that did not bring results but, on the contrary, absolutely made them worse. That is why, for consistency, more changes are expected in June. To date, however, rumors do not speak of a replacement, as was the case two years ago, but of an addition. And that addition, apparently, should be a sports director equal to the situation, a figure that is sorely lacking. A choice should come within the next few weeks, and among the candidates is a former Juventus man.

Milan a caccia di un direttore sportivo, l’ex Juve in corsa

Milan made a bid for Andrea Berta, who left Atletico Madrid after more than a decade, but when it was too late. The Italian manager seems to have reached an agreement with another European club. Then there are other options in the pipeline, and one of the hottest is the one leading to Fabio Paratici, one of the protagonists of Juventus’ last winning cycle before going to Tottenham, who then left in March 2023 following disqualification.

Il Milan pensa a Paratici (LaPresse) –

Now Paratici is free and available and Milan would be thinking about it, although he is not the only one in the running. Burdisso, now sporting director of Fiorentina, is also among the options. And, as writes, attention is also being paid to the profile of Tony D’Amico, although he is still linked to Atalanta. These then could be joined by other managers but for now these are the most talked about names.

Paratici is one of the figures who convinces fans the most because of his experience and knowledge: an element of depth therefore that would help and not a little a management in total difficulty. Meanwhile, Moncada, Milan’s current technical director, whose contract expires in June, will begin the course to become a sporting director and obtain his license. Along with him will also be the mysterious Jovan Kirovski, Ibrahimovic’s friend and head of the Milan Futuro project, which has also failed so far.

The article Incoming confirmation: AC Milan takes former Juventus man was written and published in its original version on

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