Juve, Pavan: “Against Empoli, no one was saved.”

In his editorial on TJ, Massimo Pavan analyzed the individual performance of Juventus players against Empoli. Here is an excerpt of his words, “We don’t save one, not even Thuram who made magic, we are sorry. Against Empoli, at home in a challenge like this you have to win, okay there had also managed Genoa to stop Pirlo’s Juve, saved by Rafia in extra time, today it went to penalties and Juventus went out in an embarrassing way.

We can say what we want but it is not possible to accept such a game, you have to honor the jersey, you have to fight all the time, you can’t take a counterattack like that in the first half with the team badly put together, you can’t accept going home like that, leaving prairies and allowing a formation that had come to Turin not to lose too much energy too much space and opportunities.”

Pavan: “La Juve può vincere o perdere da chiunque”

Thiago Motta, allenatore della Juventus

The journalist continued: “Frankly now it is impossible to say that it will happen and what will happen, we no longer make predictions, this team can win, lose or draw with anyone, it is a totally unreliable formation, it does not convey any positive conviction to us. Juventus loses the opportunity to play a potential semifinal, to go to the Super Cup, it loses additional money and blazon and takes away that positive charge that, however, had conveyed a few wins in Serie A.” Read also the latest rumors about Thiago Motta’s future <<<

The article Juve, Pavan: “Against Empoli no one was saved” comes from JuveNews.eu.

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