L’ex Chelsea sta crescendo, ma anche il lituano non è da meno: Vanoli ora deve scegliere chi schierare dal 1′ contro il Monza
The victory against AC Milan left a lot of satisfaction in the Torino household, allowing the team to work with a smile ahead of the next match. A challenge against Monza that is only seemingly simple, but if not approached with maximum concentration may prove to be more than a trap. Given how by now salvation does not seem so much in doubt Vanoli and his boys will have the chance to play with less pressure, which is why the opportunity is of the best to experiment. One of these could perhaps take place in the middle of the field, where Gineitis’ good run of form and Casadei’s improvements could create a puzzle for the coach.
Ballottaggio in mediana
The team is growing, the back-ups are showing that they can contribute to the cause, and then the doubts for Vanoli increase: the coach in the first months has shown that he does not want to rely only on 11 starters, but that he is able to make rotations according to the moments of form of the various individuals. This is why everyone has always felt at the center of the project, and never before has this been confirmed. In midfield, for example, the coach has changed men often, and now the situation is getting tougher than ever for him: alongside Ricci, who is immovable, both Casadei and Gineitis can fit, and then it is hard to leave one of them out. In fact, the former Chelsea midfielder is increasingly learning the tactical mechanisms, while the number 66, author of the winning goal against Milan, is on the launching pad. Therefore, it is possible to imagine a relay between the two in Monza as well, but only in tomorrow’s finishing session will we know more about who will start.
Gvidas Gineitis