Caressa: “We’re back to ‘Let’s do as we please,’ on Beukema’s penalty…”

Fabio Caressa, a well-known Sky Sport journalist, commented on Sky Calcio Club on the episodes that marked Saturday’s match between Parma and Bologna.

ARBITRIES. “We’re back to ‘let’s do as we please.’ Cancellieri walks right in on Cambiaghi and what does he have to do to get the second yellow? There are some things I don’t understand. I have been saying it from the beginning, I understand that there are those who caution more or less, but there are two different sports. There are other situations where they graze you with their arm and it is a penalty. The broad arm originated in England with elbowing, elbowing, to prevent concussions. If that’s the problem and someone is left on the ground they have to be out for at least five minutes.”

BEUKEMA’S HAND FOUL. “Is Beukema’s hand on the penalty given to Parma dynamic? If on Como-Juventus, the missed penalty to Gatti was justified with dynamics, why did it become a penalty today?”

Source: Sky Sports

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