Lecce-Bologna, additional seats on sale

The U.S. Lecce announces that for the Lecce – Bologna match, scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 09 at 6 p.m. at the Via del Mare, coupons for the ordinary seats of the East Stand and Upper Central Stand sectors are still available on the Vivaticket enabled circuit (“online” until 5:45 p.m. on the day of the match and at the enabled points of sale according to the opening hours of the individual businesses).

Due to the high number of requests, tickets for the reduced visibility seats of all sectors except the Poltronissime and North Curva will also be available from 3 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 07.

Please note that the stadium box offices on the day of the game are not allowed to sell coupons.

To this end, it is strongly recommended to use the official U.S. Lecce ticketing circuit, avoiding all other online platforms (secondary ticketing) and/or to other unauthorized sales circuits.

The stadium gates will open at 4 p.m.

The article Lecce-Bologna, additional seats on sale comes from Calcio Lecce.

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