Amine Salama dopo essere arrivato al Toro non ha ancora giocato e contro l’Asti, nell’allenamento congiunto, si è infortunato
Torino confirmed its excellent moment of form, emerging victorious from the challenge against Empoli. A 1-0 that awarded heavy points to Vanoli’s team, which has now definitively closed the salvation discourse and, with a good roster, can also hope for a European placement.
Nuovi esami tra due settimane
It was an overall good game that was staged on Monday night at the Stadio Olimpico Grande Torino, which saw the granata practically never go into trouble; all despite the major tactical changes dictated by the absence of Lazaro, which forced the coach to modify something. Vlasic on the right and a three-man midfield formed by Ricci, Casadei and Gineitis: the three were not used to this system of play and it showed, but with a few more training sessions this midfield could be seen again.
Riscatto sempre più lontano
A good Torino, although in the first half the team took a while to carbonize. The 3-man midfield experiment tried by Vanoli did not bear the desired fruit, and that was also why the coach already changed the system before halftime by moving Gineitis to the right. Instead, in the second half he proposed a 3-4-2-1, proving that that was not the right time for such a tactical revolution. Despite this, however, Casadei, Ricci and Gineitis have the right qualities to be able to play together, which is why if Vanoli really wanted to employ them at the same time it would only take a few training sessions to improve their fellowship. In short, against Empoli that did not seem the best solution, but it could be revisited in the future.
Amine Salama lascia il campo infortunato –