Krstovic awarded the “Silver Jubilee” by Savicevic

Nikola Krstovic has reached 25 appearances with the Montenegro national team. The class of 2000, who arrived from Lecce in the summer of 2023 from the Slovaks of Dunajska Streda, has scored six goals in the Balkan selection’s jersey.

Dejan Savicevic awarded Krstovic with the “Silver Jubilee” statuette, symbolizing 25 international appearances with Montenegro.

La vicenda non termina qui. A-Cap ha fatto ricorso al Tribunale di Genova per bloccare l’aumento di capitale che ha portato all’ingresso di Sucu. La discussione inizierà quest’estate anche se il Genoa sa di aver agito secondo le regole.

Su la notizia di 15 milioni in arrivo dalla Spagna

L’articolo Indagine su 777 negli Usa, il Genoa ha rischiato il crac proviene da Calcio Lecce.

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Krstovic awarded the "Silver Jubilee" by Savicevic
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Krstovic awarded the "Silver Jubilee" by Savicevic
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Krstovic awarded the "Silver Jubilee" by Savicevic
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