Torino, tomorrow’s resumption: Vanoli reunites the first Nationals

Al Filadelfia in programma una doppia seduta: mancheranno all’appello Elmas, Pedersen, Maripan e Sanabria

After numerous matches played on the international scene, the March break is drawing to a close. On the eve of the resumption of training, the Granata team is ready for tomorrow’s double training session. ahead of Monday’s match against Lazio. Vanoli will reunite tomorrow with some of his departed players who took the field until yesterday and will wait for the last ones to reach the Granata center by the end of the week.

I giocatori già a disposizione

With the Grenadians back in town Vanoli will be able to resume training sessions tomorrow, and in addition to the players who were idle during the break, he will be able to count on the return of midfield leaders Ricci and Casadei, who after the rout against Germany will be motivated to give their all in Monday’s challenge. A similar discourse applies to Croatians Sosa and Vlasic, who were eliminated from the final stages of the Nations League after the double-header against France, and Scotland’s Ché Adams, who with his national team got a negative epilogue against Greece. However, players such as Coco and Gineitis who found the net in the day yesterday showing that they are in excellent condition for the resumption are also back, the players will want to put it all looking for redemption and the desire to confirm themselves in the league by going after the 5 consecutive useful result in the away match against Lazio.

I prossimi rientri

Players who have yet to return, on the other hand, include Pedersen and Elmas, who will take the field today with their national teams and will be back on Thursday, while the last to return will be South Americans Sanabria and Maripan, who will play between today night and tomorrow morning and will likely not return to Italy until Friday to resume training.

Antonio Sanabria

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