Bianco plays the first half, Ndour the second half: Italy Under 21, however, does not go beyond a draw with Denmark

Si è appena conclusa Italia-Danimarca under 21, gara amichevole in scena al ‘Tombolato’. La partita ha visto Alessandro Bianco, di proprietà della Fiorentina, partire titolare, anziché Ndour,…

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"Palladino expressed important certainties before Juventus. Zaniolo did not have confidence but about him so many questions. Difficult to invest if the season ends disappointingly
Colantuono: "Palladino has proven himself to be up to a club like Fiorentina. Kudos must be given to Pradè for the Kean operation
Piccinetti: "Atalanta must be afraid to face Kean and Gudmundsson. In Fiorentina's lineup, I would not change anything
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