Brazilian midfielder Ederson will be one of the prized pieces of the upcoming summer market. But who would take his place? We have identified 3 names that could come in regardless
Nico Paz al crocevia: ci sono quattro opzioni sul tavolo del suo futuro (Foto: Ansa) –
This is how it works in Bergamo. If the right offer comes, you say goodbye and leave. It’s part of Atalanta’s recent history: you sell well, you buy better. And now, next on the list of possible departures is Ederson.
A midfielder who has taken the spotlight this year, becoming a mainstay in Gasperini’s system. It is no coincidence that rather interested antennae are beginning to rise from the Premier League. There is talk of offers above 60 million euros. Not bad for someone who had taken him without much of a spotlight.
Dea’s philosophy does not change: no one is untransferable. And while waiting to see what Gasperini will do, the management is moving ahead. This is not just about plugging a hole. This is about finding the next key midfield man. And the scouting work has already led to three names, which could come regardless of whether Ederson leaves or not. That he will leave sooner or later, there is no doubt about that, but the farewell could also slip by a year so that the acquisition that will arrive to cover his back can settle in unhurriedly.
The first is Morten Frendrup, 24, now at Genoa. You watch him play and wonder if he has unlimited breath. He is all over the place. He is not the type to win applause for an elegant play, but when it comes to getting the ball dirty, he gets his hands dirty. A midfielder of quantity, but not only that.
Nico Paz e le opzioni “facili”: resta a Como o ritorna a casa?
In Genoa they say he has also grown so much in the setting. Atalanta already has him in their sights, although there is competition from Inter. Starting price? There is talk of 25 million euros. Not exactly a low-cost deal, but in Bergamo they know what certain investments are worth.
Nico Paz e le opzioni “facili”: resta a Como o ritorna a casa? (AnsaFoto) –
Another hot name is that of Ardon Jashari, 23 years to go, who plays for Bruges. He is well known in Bergamo, even too well. He is one of those who contributed to the sporting drama that was the Champions League exit at the hands of the awful Belgians, the midfield mainstay who put fellow Atalantini players in crisis.
Jashari is not the classic compassed Swiss. He has grit, leg and a vision that allows him to always play a split second before the others. Bruges has no intention of selling him out; we told you about Roma’s interest in him, but you know that Atalanta is a place where you grow fast. And that can make all the difference.
Then there is Tino Anjorin, from England, also 23 years old. A talent that many are waiting to see really blossom. Today he is at Empoli, which took him from Chelsea outright on the basis of €1 million + 50 percent on future resale. A sale of him would represent a not bad capital gain for the Tuscans, even if you have to give half to the Blues, but the sale would be for far more than the million spent to acquire him.
Le altre due vie: l’Inter di Zanetti o il decollo ultramilionario
Important physique, excellent technique and that ability to fit in that closely resembles Ederson himself. The problem? Physical fitness. He has had more than one muscular hiccup this season. At Zingonia they wonder if he is a risk worth taking, but the good relations with Empoli could make the negotiation smoother than it seems.
Le altre due vie: l’Inter di Zanetti o il decollo ultramilionario (AnsaFoto) –
This article Atalanta, Ederson jewel in showcase: 3 names to replace him appeared first on SerieANews.
Anche perché poi in quel caso si presenterebbe anche la quarta opzione. Il Real esercita la recompra, ma non per tenerlo. Piuttosto, lo rimette sul mercato, consapevole che club come il Manchester City (ma ce ne sono molti altri) non si farebbero pregare troppo per mettere sul tavolo una cifra da capogiro.
Pep Guardiola, ad esempio, ha sempre avuto un debole per i giocatori tecnici, intelligenti, capaci di fare la differenza negli spazi stretti. Nico Paz, con i suoi numeri, si è guadagnato più di un occhio di riguardo in Inghilterra. Ma attenzione anche ad altre big: Arsenal, Paris Saint-Germain, persino il Bayern Monaco potrebbero farci più di un pensierino. Se parte l’asta, può finire ovunque.
Il nodo si scioglierà probabilmente a giugno, quando il Real Madrid deciderà se riscattare o meno la recompra. Da lì si apriranno i giochi per capire dove giocherà la prossima stagione. E chissà che questo di Como non sia stato solo il primo, bellissimo capitolo della favola di Nico Paz.
Questo articolo Nico Paz al crocevia: ci sono quattro opzioni sul tavolo del suo futuro è comparso nella sua versione originale, prima sul sito SerieANews.