At 3 p.m. on Grp, “Sunday Taurus” returns.

Tre ore di diretta, dalle 15 alle 18: il programma sul Torino è condotto da Alessandro Costa

Special episode today, March 23, from 3 to 6 p.m. of Domenica Toro. We will talk about the present of Toro with the analysis of the granata moment waiting for Lazio-Toro and with the mega-pagellone from July to March, but also and above all about the future, with the incoming and outgoing market, and the doubts about who will be confirmed or sold to cash in or because they have disappointed expectations. Protagonist, however, is also Toro’s past or, better, history with the memory of Toro’s heroes of the Uefa final of 92, Mondonico and Aldo Agroppi.

Various personalities and former Taurus players will speak

Oskar che presenta il nuovo concerto degli “Statuto”
Il celeberrimo giornalista Carlo Nesti
il vice-direttore di e giornalista di Tuttosport Andrea Piva
il ” Sandokan” dell’Adriatico Mario Patrignani
lo storico granata Fabio Milano 
il giornalista Alessandro Muliari
il marketing broker Daniele Casella
il redattore di Rock Goal Fabio Zanco
l’opinionista granata Davide Leone

Alongside Alessandro Costa are the splendid Laura Massobrio and Martina Anna Vannini. Domenica Toro airs on GRP-Vera Tv, digital terrestrial channel 15 for Piedmont. Streaming at

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