Pachydermic times and good insights: a too-slow Palladino. Commisso knew the risks well, and the technician is not yet safe

Si deciderà tutto in questi due mesi, a partire naturalmente dal dopo sosta e fino al termine di maggio, dove la Fiorentina si giocherà la possibilità di rimanere attaccata al treno per l’Europa…

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Toldo: "Happy that De Gea is in Florence, he represents the category very well. Nice to see Florence's affection for so many champions. Today's soccer? In my house we watch Disney
AC Milan trips Roma, De La Fuente thanks: golden chance tomorrow in view of Champions League
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Pelù: "If Fiorentina always played like it does against the 'bigs,' it would get very high. Choreography? You read it wrong: it said..
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