Over 100 million, Furlani’s big score

Milan and its fans can smile, with more than 100 million euros in the till. Here’s what happened after Giorgio Furlani’s trip

There is an A.C. Milan that is traveling in full sail. An A.C. Milan that is appreciated so much, despite the fact that the results on the field are really to be forgotten.

Oltre 100 milioni, Furlani chiude l’affare e torna a Milano (LaPresse) – MilanLive.it

It is the Milan brand that still has great appeal, especially in the Middle East, as Giorgio Furlani’s trip shows. It is La Gazzetta dello Sport that writes about it: the Rossoneri team is the most followed in the Mena area (Middle East and North Africa) among the Italians.

We also saw this during the Italian Super Cup, in Riyadh, in which the Diavolo was certainly the most acclaimed club. It is certainly no coincidence that the competition ahead of next season is currently on stand-by. Without Milan and perhaps Juventus, the cup may not even be played. We will soon figure that out.

In the meantime, the Rossoneri can rejoice because Giorgio Furlani’s trip to Dubai has borne fruit: as can be read in La Gazzetta dello Sporto, Emirates (current jersey sponsor) is set to expire in 2026, but the Emirate’s national airline intends to renew soon at even higher figures than the current ones. There is talk of a possible take from Milan of more than 30 million euros a year, so more than 100 million between now and 2030.

Il Milan esulta, altri milioni in arrivo per il club

Il Milan esulta, altri milioni in arrivo per il club (LaPresse) – MilanLive.it

But Giorgio Furlani’s contacts with sponsors were different. In Dubai, the Rossoneri CEO also met with managers of Kerzner International, a leader in the luxury hotel sector, and in particular the top management of Siro, a five-star hotel designed and perfected with the club.

It should also be pointed out that none of the club’s partners, including CFI Financial Group, has asked to step back. Despite the really bad results, no one has any desire to leave Milan. The idea is to continue together, to grow together, extending the current agreements.

This news, clearly, makes Gerry Cardinale rejoice, but it is also important for the team. A growth of it, goes through investments, from sponsor income

The article Over 100 million, Furlani’s big hit was written and published in its original version on Milanlive.it.

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