McTominay, Lukaku or Good Morning: here’s the best buy of the summer

Revealed at last what was the best purchase of the summer between McTominay, Lukaku or Good morning, excited fans

Napoli is not experiencing one of its best moments of the season, with the points struggling to come at this stage of the season and dragging the Azzurri towards dull performances. The difficulty in finding victory is surely due to some problems related to the injury issue – Neres to the next returns – and an unrecognizable Anguissa in recent outings.

Then add the recoveries from a few weeks ago of Olivera, still not at full fitness, and Spinazzola. Conte needs as soon as possible to find a solution for his Napoli, perhaps by changing set-up and looking for another way to reach the net. The fans are not giving up and are calling for a final sprint from the teams; Inter is only three points away.

Rinforzi Champions League: Lookman e Zhegrova nel mirino

Manna, sporting director of the Azzurri, spoke following the ‘Maestrelli Trophy’ held in Montecatini. The former Juve man made no secret of the season’s goal and what turned out to be the best purchase of the season in terms of performance.

Rinforzi Champions League: Lookman e Zhegrova nel mirino (Lapresse)

When asked about the footballer who has exceeded expectations, the sports director did not hesitate to answer his preference:

Paixao Napoli: il rimpianto di gennaio pronto a tornare?

“Buongiorno left something more than the others. His willingness to join us was decisive and we are proud, especially with bigger clubs that could come first. The thing that gave me the most satisfaction was the reality of Naples, passionate and warm, reacting after a complicated season.”

Paixao Napoli: il rimpianto di gennaio pronto a tornare? (LaPresse)

Ventiquattro anni, un mancino educato e un’abilità nel creare superiorità numerica: Paixao ha tutte le carte in regola per essere il jolly che manca al Napoli. L’estate potrebbe essere il momento giusto per riscattare quel “no” invernale, trasformandolo in un “sì” che farebbe esultare i tifosi sugli spalti del Maradona.

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