From Lucumi to Italian: between renewals and contract adjustments

There is talk of contract renewals in that of Casteldebole. One above all, that of Vincenzo Italiano: according to Il Corriere di Bologna they are reasoning about a possible extension until June 2027, also in order not to start the next championship with an expiring coach.

Then there are the players. Santiago Castro should probably receive an adjustment if he stays: arrived 13 months ago, he gets 500,000 euros net. Then there are Odgaard, Beukema and Ndoye, who travel between 600 and 800,000 euros until 2027, with an option to extend. To be understood what will happen with Lucumi: currently expiring in June 2026, albeit with a red-blue option for a one-year renewal, “for him the summer will be a crossroads,” writes the newspaper.

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