Antonio Sanabria ieri è arrivato a 3 gol e 1 assist nelle ultime 4 partite con la Nazionale, con il Toro solo 2 gol e 1 assist in stagione
Another convincing performance by Torino, which managed to bring home three very important points on a rainy Saturday. A great goal by Vlasic was enough for the granata, who beat 1-0 an Empoli team that, beyond its negative moment of form, showed itself to be aggressive and tough to deal with. Third win in the last 4 games for Vanoli’s team, which has definitely shifted gears since the start of 2025. Remember the many defeats of the first round? They are now only a distant memory, with Ricci and his teammates having lost only one game so far, against Bologna (in 90′ due to an unfortunate own goal). The performance compared to the first half of the championship has definitely improved: suffice it to say that considering the 10 teams faced so far in the return leg and analyzing the results of the first leg, as many as 7 more points have been obtained.
Nel Toro Sanabria fatica
Torino continues to win and convince, in terms of results and also in terms of performance. The last victory against Empoli meant that the granata came up with 17 points in the return leg, a figure that puts them behind only a few Serie A teams. In addition, they are 7 points ahead of the first leg challenges against the same teams faced from Day 20 onward. Leaving aside the matches against Empoli, Parma, Bologna and Genoa, in which the same results came between the first leg and the second leg, the granata have always done better against all teams except Atalanta. With Juventus and Fiorentina came two draws, against Cagliari a win compared to the defeat in October, and against Milan and Monza two successes that increased the ties of the first part of the championship. A total of 7 more points for a Torino that has grown in all respects.
I tifosi paraguayani lo esaltano, i granata lo criticano
Quanto detto fino ad ora provoca un ovvio effetto: i tifosi paraguayani infatti esaltano il loro attaccante mentre quelli granata lo criticano profondamente. Nella sfida di ieri contro il Cile addirittura i tifosi hanno dedicato alla squadra e in particolare a Sanabria una coreografia che recitava “Todos juntos” (Tutti insieme) e che al centro aveva l’immagine del gol in rovesciata segnato dall’attaccante del Toro contro l’Argentina.
Yann Karamoh, Antonio Sanabria and Karol Linetty of Torino FC look dejected during the Serie A football match between Torino FC and Bologna FC.