Maignan changes role: Milan fans speechless

Mike Maignan is back to amaze Milan fans but in decidedly different guise than usual: here’s what happened in the past few hours

It will be a delicate few weeks for Sergio Conceicao’s Milan. The field, so far, has not reserved the joys hoped for by the Rossoneri fans: net of the sensational success in the Italian Super Cup against Inter, the Rossoneri have failed on too many occasions this year.

Maignan cambia ruolo: tifosi del Milan senza parole (LaPresse) –

The exit from the Champions League and the qualification for the next edition, which is quite far away, lead to deep reflections in view of the 2025/26 season. Inevitable to think about the soccer market, the possibilities between entrances and exits that the summer months will submit to the attention of the management of Via Aldo Rossi. In the meantime, precisely with regard to potential goodbyes, the still possible one of Mike Maignan cannot certainly end up in the background.

For months now, the ‘Diavolo’ and the 29-year-old’s entourage have been considering what to do. The French goalkeeper, in fact, is set to expire on June 30, 2026, and for the time being, no agreement seems to have been reached between the parties to renew the link. On the contrary. There has often been talk that the extreme defender, who is having one of the most difficult and disappointing years of his career this year, could even say goodbye to Milanello during the upcoming summer soccer market.

The facts of the matter, however, speak of a Rossoneri management determined to hold on to the former Lille man who to this day is still considered among the strongest goalkeepers in the world. Maignan, in fact, is suffering from the difficult situation the team-as a whole-is experiencing.

Milan, Maignan da brividi: il video è virale

And so while waiting to find out if and how long he will remain a Rossoneri player, other news of a decidedly different nature is making way. The 1995-class goalkeeper – after the double commitment in the Nations League against Croatia – will return to Milanello to prepare for the delicate league challenge against Napoli.

Milan, Maignan da brividi: il video è virale (LaPresse) –

A big match, the one at the ‘Diego Maradona’, decisive for the Rossoneri’s ambitions: fourth place is far but not very far away. Maignan, however, has been at the center of a video that has gone viral in just a few hours. It is an excerpt from the training session Deschamps’ team did before making their debut in the first leg match of the Nations League quarterfinals.

Maignan took center stage, a big player, but not a play absolutely out of his depth. At least, on the record. Because the Milan goalkeeper in the end-of-session match was placed among the movement players. And Maignan, to be fair, did not do badly at all. Far from it.

𝙈𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙘 𝙈𝙞𝙠𝙚 @mmseize

– Equipe de France (@equipedefrance) March 19, 2025

A quick movement, ball to foot, he turns his back to his marker ball to foot and serves outside Rabiot who comes running in. An over-the-top play that makes it clear how preponderant technical skills are in the Rossoneri defender’s bag of qualities. Truly remarkable.

The article Maignan changes role: Milan fans speechless was written and published in its original version on

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