Calciomercato Lazio, likes 2007 class Cvetkovic: here’s who he is

Lazio’s soccer market turns on ahead of the canonical summer opening, with rumors coming from Serbia that the biancoceleste club is interested in a talented youngster born in 2007. The news, launched by Mozzart Sport, was reported by

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MARCH 20 UPDATE – Corriere dello Sport also reports Lazio’s interest in young Serbian talent Mihailo Cvetkovic. Born in 2007, in force at Cukaricki, the very young striker would represent a shot in the arm, shots that the biancoceleste club has already accustomed us to in the past. Serbian sources also associate the player with Bologna.

Grassadonia sulle partite

UPDATE MARCH 9 – Rumors are coming in from Serbia of Lazio’s interest in a talented youngster born in 2007 named Mihailo Cvetković. The youngster, owned by Cukaricki, plays in the Serbian Super Liga and has so far collected 7 goals in a total of 23 appearances. According to reports, the center forward seemed to be one step away from Malmo, Sweden, but then the negotiation fell through due to a lack of agreement on the salary.

On the player, in addition to that of Lazio, there would also be interest from Eintracht Frankfurt and Fenerbache. Further developments in this regard are expected in the coming weeks.


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