Oliver Bierhoff, former striker for Udinese from 1995 to 1998 and the German national team, gave an interview to Gazzetta dello Sport ahead of the Nations League quarterfinal between the Azzurri and the German…
His words.
FROM 2004 TO 2022 HE WAS MANAGER OF GERMANY AND CHALLENGED ITALY THREE TIMES AT THE TOURNAMENTS… “They were always tense, hard-fought matches. A World Cup and two European Championships, with so much at stake: two semifinals and a quarterfinal. Two defeats for us, then the liberation of 2016. But my memories of setbacks against Italy begin much earlier….”
THE DEFEAT AGAINST THE AZZURRIANS IN THE MILITARY WORLD CUP… “We lost 2-0. I was 19 years old and on the other side were players like Vialli and Ferrara. There was already talk that they were great soccer players. But there was also talk about a guy who was going to explode, even though he was not at that tournament: Paolo Maldini.”
POSSIBILE CESSIONE DI SOLET E BIJOL IN ESTATE – “Sarebbe un bel problema perderli entrambi, ma fasciarsi la testa pensando alle cessioni è sempre sconveniente, specialmente adesso che la squadra può superare i cinquanta punti. Ci sarà tempo e modo, e poi bisogna ricordare che il mercato è sempre imprevedibile nei suoi risvolti in cui bisogna coniugare gli interessi di società e calciatori”.
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