RANIERI: “Dybala absence heavy, the team must compact even more. Now comes the good and the difficult…”

AS ROMA NEWS – Claudio Ranieri received the prestigious Maestrelli Award, now in its 40th year, and took the opportunity to talk about his Roma team and the moment the team is experiencing. The Giallorossi coach collected the award at the Le Panteraie location in Montecatini Terme, making several statements between memories, ambitions and reflections on the future.

Interviewed after the award ceremony, Ranieri expressed great esteem for the coach who made Lazio’s history: “Maestrelli was an extremely fair person, a coach who knew how to amalgamate his champions. Lazio won thanks to the talents they had, but above all thanks to the man who managed to compact them. This is the third time I have won this award and I am very pleased, because we are talking about a unique person in the history of Italian soccer. He was truly a gentleman.”

The coach then spoke about his Roma’s journey and the race for the Champions League, a goal that seemed unthinkable just a few months ago: “I cannot say I am surprised, because I am always positive about the work and the group of players I have at my disposal. I found a strong team, but one that had lost self-esteem. My task was to pull it back together and give the boys what they deserved. Now, however, comes the good and the difficult. We have to continue with the lightness that has distinguished us and with that desire that made the fans fall in love with us.”

Un nodo ancora da risolvere riguarda la collaborazione con Ferrovie dello Stato, che ha previsto un’area di parcheggio in zona Tiburtina, coincidente con quella destinata a 1.565 posti moto dalla Roma. Inoltre, rimane aperta la questione della fermata metro Quintiliani, che, inizialmente, sarebbe dovuta rimanere aperta solo per i tifosi in arrivo, ma non in partenza. La Roma spera che il potenziamento della fermata possa portare a una revisione di questa decisione. La collaborazione tra la società e gli enti coinvolti continua con l’obiettivo di incentivare l’uso dei mezzi pubblici per evitare di congestionare l’area circostante e l’ospedale Pertini.

Fonte: Il Messaggero

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