Napoli-Inter, duel also on the market: who has the advantage for the Serie A star

Duel rages between Napoli and Inter for Serie A star: who’s ahead between Manna and Marotta for Serie A star.

With nine days left in Serie A, the thoughts of Italian clubs are also beginning to turn increasingly to soccer. At Napoli, there is a desire to please Antonio Conte by giving him a squad capable of competing on all fronts. In fact, after a season without European cups, the Azzurri will be called upon in the coming season to a tighter schedule thanks to this year’s excellent championship.

Thus the first names are beginning to emerge to reinforce the Azzurri squad. On one of these, there seems to be a real duel going on with Inter, ready to be prolonged on the market after the one on the field to win the Scudetto.

Lucca, chi è vantaggio fra Napoli e Inter

Today’s edition of “Il Corriere dello Sport” confirms rumors that had already emerged yesterday in relation to a duel between Napoli and Inter for Lucca. However, the newspaper identifies one club with an advantage: it would be De Laurentiis who is currently in the lead by virtue of his good relations with the Pozzo family, owner of Udinese.

Napoli avanti sull’Inter per Lucca- LAPRESSE-

The cost of the price tag remains quite high for both teams (around 30 million) and both will thus make an effort to try to reduce it. In particular, Inter would also like to try to include technical quid pro quos to at least try to come close to these demands.

In the lead, however, is Napoli by virtue of the aforementioned reports, but it is also not giving up other leads, such as the one leading to Parma’s Ange Yoan Bonny.

Lorenzo Lucca: chi è il bomber che infiamma il calciomercato 2025?

For those who still do not know him, Lorenzo Lucca is a name that now resonates loudly in the Italian soccer scene. Born in Moncalieri in 2000, this 2-meter center forward has a flair for goal that does not go unnoticed. With Udinese this season, he has already netted 10 league goals, numbers that speak for themselves and make him one of the most appetizing profiles in the Serie A market. It’s not just a matter of height: Lucca knows how to play from the side, protect the ball and be in the right place at the right time, a mix that makes him every coach’s dream.

Super duello fra Napoli e Inter per Lucca- LAPRESSE-

It is not surprising, then, that Napoli and Inter have been raising their antennae. For the Azzurri, he could be the perfect vice-Lukaku, a weighty alternative (in every sense of the word!) to give the Belgian giant breathing space. For the Nerazzurri, on the other hand, Lucca represents an ideal pawn to replenish an attack that could lose pieces, with Joaquin Correa expiring and some question marks over the future. In short, a young talent, Italian and already ready for the leap in quality: the dish is served, but who will bring him home?

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