Calafiori: “Started a new cycle: the team is young, we want to win these tests”

Also speaking at the press conference ahead of the match between Italy and Germany was Gunners defender Riccardo Calafiori, who talked about the Azzurri’s ambitions and understanding with his teammates.

ALSO READ: Spalletti: “It will be difficult, but we want to win. We have a duty to be strong.”

Le parole di Immobile nell’ intervista sulla Lazio

Immobile su Italia Germania

“The Premier is a league apart, which gives you so much. It won’t be easy, but we’re a good group: I’m thinking about the team more than the personal. More intense than Serie A? I don’t feel like making comparisons, they are different leagues: maybe teams think less about defending and scoring one more goal.”

Immobile sull’ Europeo con Conte

“I get on very well with both Di Lorenzo and Bastoni, with whoever is playing. The coach asks us, in both phases, to try to help the team and we try. We are preparing for this challenge, it is always Italy-Germany and it is not a challenge like the others. It is certainly very important, I have many memories: I think of the World Cup semifinal or the European Championship semifinal, even on the occasions when we did not win we always gave our best.”

Immobile sul Napoli di Conte

“Italy-Germany will never be a match like any other, we and they have defections, we want to win these important tests to go to the Nations Final Four. What do the Germans suffer from Italy? A lot has changed over the years, they have often had this snootiness of being superior but we have always brought them back down to earth. However, every match is a story in itself: let’s stay humble and think about giving our best.”

Immobile sulla Lazio

The emotion was huge, maybe the biggest I’ve felt in my career. I’ve watched it several times, what excites me is seeing the reactions on the big screens, it really tastes like the national team, Italy, it’s something you can’t feel with the club. I don’t remember what I was thinking but I knew it was the last play, I gave everything I had and he scored a goal that was no small thing.”

Immobile su Simone Inzaghi

“Ho avuto la fortuna di essere allenato sia da lui che da Conte: sono due meticolosi, due ‘pazzi’, due votati alla vittoria. Adesso stanno lottando fino alla fine e lo faranno”.

Immobile su un futuro da allenatore

“È dura, sono ancora nella modalità giocatore. Ne parlavo con Joao Mario la settimana scorsa, però i grandi allenatori sono quasi tutti centrocampisti… Ancelotti, Conte, Guardiola, tutti tranne Inzaghi”.

L’articolo Immobile: “La Lazio sta facendo divertire e sta giocando bene: può fare grandi cose, anche in Europa” proviene da

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