Naples, a positive fact to build on: why Conte can smile

Napoli will be able to restart on a positive note after the break: here’s what Conte can smile about and continue working on for the season finale

The drab draw against Venezia left Napoli fans with a bitter taste in their mouths. A 0-0 that smacks of a wasted opportunity, with the Azzurri able to stay glued to Inter and take advantage of Atalanta’s defeat in their direct clash with the Nerazzurri.

Instead, the fifth draw in seven matches has caused Conte’s team to slip three points off the top, a gap that, at this point in the season, seems like a mountain to climb. But not everything is to be thrown away: there is one statistic that puts a smile back on the Lecce coach’s face and could be the springboard to the Serie A finish.

Morte Maradona, la testimonianza dei poliziotti

The Napoli seen in Venice turned the fans’ noses up at the game, and who could blame them? The Azzurri had a golden chance on their hands to stay hooked to the Inter train, which is traveling fast toward the Scudetto, and put some distance between themselves and Atalanta, which fell at home against the Nerazzurri.

Instead, the 0-0 was another blow to the heart: the fifth draw in seven games, a roster that smacks of chances thrown to the wind. “With one commitment a week, we should have done more,” read X among supporters’ comments, and thoughts turn to those wasted chances in front of the Lagoon goal.

La testimonianza dei poliziotti nel processo sulla morte di Maradona- ANSA-

Il comissario Lucas Borge ha invece evidenziato:

“Non era un letto d’ospedale, era un normale, comune materasso e non c’era nessun defibrillatore“.

Gli agenti interrogati hanno testimoniato di aver visto Maradona “con la pancia molto gonfia, pronta a esplodere, con addosso una maglietta e dei pantaloncini corti. Siamo rimasti sorpresi nel vedere Maradona in quel modo. Non avremmo mai pensato di ritrovarci di fronte a questa immagine, con tutto ciò che rappresenta“.

Si aggravano, quindi, ulteriormente le accuse ai danni del team sanitario che lo aveva in cura: sono sette i medici e gli infermieri sotto processo. Nel caso in cui dovessero essere giudicato colpevoli, rischierebbe fino a 25 anni di carcere.

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Naples, a positive fact to build on: why Conte can smile
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Naples, a positive fact to build on: why Conte can smile
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Naples, a positive fact to build on: why Conte can smile
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