Naples, from Neres and Anguissa to Mazzocchi: when will the injured return

How are Neres, Anguissa and Mazzocchi doing? The most up-to-date point on the return of the injured in the Naples home, ahead of Venice

A due giorni dalla sfida contro il Venezia i tifosi del Napoli trattengono il fiato per avere notizie fresche sulle condizioni degli infortunati.  Con il rush finale della stagione alle porte, è tempo di fare il punto. Come stanno i tre indisponibili nel loro percorso di guarigione? Spoiler: ci sono spiragli di luce, e Antonio Conte potrebbe presto tirare un sospiro di sollievo.

Neres si è fermato a inizio febbraio, lasciando un vuoto sulla fascia sinistra che ha fatto storcere il naso a più di un tifoso. Un infortunio alla coscia – per la precisione una lesione distrattiva del semimembranoso – lo ha messo ko, costringendolo a saltare match cruciali come quelli contro Lazio, Como, Inter e Fiorentina. Una tegola non da poco.Stesso discorso per Anguissa. Il camerunense ha riscontrato un problema al soleo che lo ha tenuto fuori dalle sfide contro Inter e Fiorentina. La sua nazionale lo ha comunque convocato, facendo alzare più di un sopracciglio tra i supporter azzurri. E poi c’è Mazzocchi. Dopo aver saltato tre gare a dicembre, un guaio al polpaccio lo ha fermato di nuovo tra febbraio e marzo, rendendolo un’assenza pesante in un periodo difficile per la squadra.

Infortuni Napoli: quali sono le condizioni di Neres, Anguissa e Mazzocchi oggi?

Let’s start with David Neres: his stop dates back to February 9, during the match against Udinese, and since then it has been a month of passion for him and the fans. According to the latest rumors circulating from Castel Volturno – also reported by sources such as Il Corriere dello Sport – Neres is on track for a comeback.

His muscle problem is improving, and some say he could even join the group as early as the away match in Venice. Of course, Conte is not the type to take risks: if he is not 100 percent, his return will slip until after the break, perhaps for the big match against Milan on March 30. But having that South American flicker back on the field would be like finding a lost treasure.

Infortuni Napoli: le condizioni di Neres, Anguissa e Mazzocchi oggi (LaPresse) –

Then there is André-Frank Zambo Anguissa, the beating heart of the Azzurri midfield. His soleus injury, picked up in late February against Como, led to fears of the worst. Still, the Cameroonian is a tough guy, one who never gives up: despite missing two key matches, his recovery is progressing at a fast pace.

However, it may still be early days for Venezia: the risk of a relapse is just around the corner, and Conte knows that a half-formed Anguissa is no use to anyone. More likely to see him again after the national team break, when Napoli will need all his grit to face a series of decisive challenges in the Scudetto race.

And Pasquale Mazzocchi? His calf has been acting up since the beginning of the season: first a stop in December, then another in February, and now three consecutive games missed. But there is good news: according to leaks from Azzurri circles, Mazzocchi is ready to return to the squad precisely for the trip to the lagoon. He may not be in top form, but having him on the bench is already a step forward for a defensive department that has had to jump through hoops in recent times.

Rientro Neres e Anguissa: quando li rivedremo in campo con il Napoli?

The question buzzing in every Neapolitan fan’s head is one: when will Neres, Anguissa and Mazzocchi be available again? Although Napoli has shown the ability to respond like a great team – thanks to a Conte who pulled the rabbit out of his hat with the change to 3-5-2 – the return of the three injured players is expected like rain in a scorching summer.

Rientro Neres e Anguissa: quando li rivedremo in campo con il Napoli? (LaPresse) –

Neres, with his unpredictability, is a key pawn in restoring the attack; Anguissa, with his gladiator-like physicality, is the glue that holds the midfield together; Mazzocchi, while not a permanent starter, brings heart and pliability, qualities that in a long season like this are worth their weight in gold.

The latest news speaks for itself: Mazzocchi is the closest to returning, with a good chance of being called up for Venice. Neres follows close behind, although his use will depend on a decisive audition in the coming days – a bit like a maturity exam for the Brazilian. Anguissa, on the other hand, may have to wait a little longer, but just seeing him back in the group after the break would make fans cheer like a 90th goal. In short, the injury emergency is finally loosening its grip, and Napoli is preparing to re-embrace its warriors at the very highlight of the season.

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