The earthquake that struck Naples overnight has led to heavy repercussions in parts of the city: shocking images are circulating on social media
Extreme fear in the night, when around 1:30 a.m. an earthquake on the scale of 4.4 with a depth of 2.5 kilometers woke up much of the population. The tremors, with epicenter in the Phlegraean Fields, were felt throughout virtually the entire city and also in the province. Numerous people took to the streets in the ensuing moments, which caused great panic especially among the residents of the red zones.
Right from the start, the first images of the damage that the very strong quake generated began to circulate on social media. Especially in Bagnoli, rubble collapsed from balconies, which destroyed cars. Not only that, houses were also damaged, with the collapse of some ceilings and a man who was even extracted, fortunately alive, after falling from an attic.
Terremoto a Napoli, scuole chiuse in alcune zone della città
The last recorded strong tremor was dated March 11 and reached a magnitude of 3.0. This new quake was more violent. Within minutes, INGV reported that the earthquake with epicenter Campi Flegrei was of magnitude 4.4, with depth about 2 km. Another earthquake of the same intensity was recorded in May 2024. Added to tonight’s, it represents the strongest earthquake event in the Neapolitan area in the past 40 years.
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Nella mattinata di oggi, è stato deciso di chiudere le scuole nelle zone più a rischio della città come quelle nei quartieri di Bagnoli e Fuorigrotta. La decima Municipalità, dunque, è corsa ai ripari per evitare danni ancora più gravi a studenti, insegnanti e personale scolastico. In caso di ulteriori aggiornamenti, vi forniremo novità dettagliate.