Chiesa in the storm, comes the hardest attack: now the crossroads in Serie A

Federico Chiesa has landed in the blizzard: harsh attack and now all that’s left for the outfielder is a double option leading to Serie A

Chiesa nella bufera, arriva l’attacco durissimo: ora il bivio in Serie A – SerieAnews

A turbulent summer that saw him in the spotlight. His name was at the center of practically every market negotiation, juxtaposed to this or that club, both Italian and foreign. The reference is of course to outside Federico Chiesa, who on the one hand was waiting for Juve’s renewal proposal that should have satisfied him financially and on the other hand aimed at leaving the bianconeri to try a more challenging experience.

In short, weeks of great anticipation and curiosity and then the rabbit from the hat. Rejected Roma, the option that did not fully satisfy him, the great opportunity to show what he was made of. We are of course referring to Liverpool, one of the most prestigious clubs in the Premier League and the world, whose jersey certainly represents a privilege to be able to wear.

The Merseyside club, struggling with post-Klopp management with Arne Slot in charge of the bench, has set its sights on the outfielder, who is considered a viable starter.

Chiesa, infortuni ed utilizzo con il contagocce: che delusione

The reality, however, has been quite different. Since the beginning of his adventure, Chiesa has had to cope with an interminable series of physical problems that have limited his performance but also, and more importantly, his utilization. So much preparation lag behind his teammates that Slot admitted on several occasions that it was impossible to set a date for his full recovery.

Chiesa, infortuni ed utilizzo con il contagocce: che delusione (Ansa Foto) – SerieAnews

And so his season has been more troubled than ever. Barely 10 appearances in total between league and cups; only three in the Premier League for the pittance of a total of 25′ played, while in the Champions League there were three matches in which he took the field for 107′ total and one assist on the scoresheet.

And his offensive production so far has stopped at just one goal, in the Fa Cup. In short, a bit little for a footballer whom Slot sent to play even in the second team to let him accumulate minutes and then use him in the Premier. In the meantime, we are beginning to hear harsh criticism of him from the fans.

Le critiche e le due opzioni per giugno

Anfield Agenda, a profile of Liverpool fans, on X literally went wild. “Chiesa is living all our dreams: season tickets in the front row and 140,000 pounds a week,” they wrote, a clear signal of how they are not at all satisfied with the footballer’s performance.

Le critiche e le due opzioni per giugno (Ansa Foto) – SerieAnews

The reference, moreover, is to the really poor minutes that the player has so far collected even in the face of the exorbitant salary he earns, almost 7.5 million euros net per season that many are beginning to consider unjustified. And his future is all to be written. In January there had been approaches from several Italian clubs, Napoli above all, to understand his intentions.

Chiesa, however, preferred to end the season in England. In June, however, everything will be different. The Serie A road seems likely to be the only viable one for the player, with only two options available at least at the moment. First and foremost, Napoli, which, should Conte remain on the bench, could return to the charge again, this time more decisively.

Alternative to the partenopei is Atalanta, which could deprive itself of Lookman in the summer market. Watch out, however, also for Inter Milan, with Simone Inzaghi having always shown a soft spot for the player. What is certain is that Chiesa, in order to return to Italy, will have to lower his salary even considerably to come within the parameters of the domestic clubs.

This article Church in the blizzard, comes fierce attack: now the crossroads in Serie A appeared in its original version, first on SerieANews.


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