Palladino: “Too much has been embroidered on the goalkeeping issue, it doesn’t matter who plays but only passing the round. Tomorrow’s game can be the turning point of our season.”

In vista del ritorno degli ottavi di Conference League contro il Panathinaikos, l’allenatore della Fiorentina Raffaele Palladino ha toccato vari temi: “Domani l’obiettivo è passare il turno, non…

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Vagiannidis: "Tomorrow we will have to start as if the Athens victory was never there. We are a little tired, but we must not have alibis. Against Fiorentina it will be tough, but for us the quarters..
Jeda: "I wouldn't throw overboard all Palladino's work, by now Fiorentina has to end with him. That of changing coaches is a serious problem in Italian soccer
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