Bigliardi: “Kudos to accountant Zappacosta. He sends everyone to hell and becomes a protagonist.”

Speaking as usual on his Facebook profile to comment on Atalanta’s performance, former Nerazzurri player Tebaldo Bigliardi extolled Davide Zappacosta’s performance.

“Zappacosta could have scored a hat trick. Basically the most dangerous of the Dea along with Lookman. Whatever Lookman is in!!! He does this for a living, but for the accountant Zappacosta is something surprising. In a flagship game like this you expect as protagonists, apart from Ademola, the various Retegui or De Ketelaere. Instead, a gregario comes out, anonymous, inconspicuous, of those who are hardly talked about and who in the office are used to bringing paperwork to the bosses, putting stamps and revenue stamps and sugar-fixing the coffee for the CEO who is waiting for him impatiently And at a certain point the miracle happens: the accountant breaks his balls and with a reaction of pride manages to change the rules of the game by sending everyone to hell, thus deciding to become the absolute protagonist. Heartfelt congratulations accountant Zappacosta for his valuable and reliable commitment to the field, made up of sweat, yawns and kicks in the shins.”

Atalanta in vantaggio, ma la Roma osserva

The article Bigliardi: “Congratulations to accountant Zappacosta. Send everyone to hell and become a protagonist” comes from CalcioAtalanta.

Anche il giocatore sarebbe entusiasta di un trasferimento in Italia. Fonti vicine al centrocampista confermano che il suo desiderio è quello di approdare in Serie A, dove potrebbe crescere e affermarsi in un campionato più competitivo.

Resta da capire se la Roma deciderà di muoversi concretamente per competere con l’Atalanta o se la Dea avrà via libera per assicurarsi il talento ghanese senza ostacoli. Con il mercato estivo alle porte, la situazione potrebbe evolversi rapidamente.

L’articolo Atalanta e Roma interessate a Abu Francis: duello di mercato per il centrocampista proviene da CalcioAtalanta.

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Bigliardi: "Kudos to accountant Zappacosta. He sends everyone to hell and becomes a protagonist
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Bigliardi: "Kudos to accountant Zappacosta. He sends everyone to hell and becomes a protagonist
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Bigliardi: "Kudos to accountant Zappacosta. He sends everyone to hell and becomes a protagonist
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