Avramov: “Fiorentina has changed so much, patience is needed. The roster has improved from last year, we finally see Kean’s value”

L’ex portiere della Fiorentina Vlada Avramov ha parlato a Sportitalia della squadra viola e del momento che sta vivendo il gruppo di Palladino: “La Fiorentina ha cambiato tanti giocatori nel mercato…

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Kean looks like the Hulk, even if he doesn't turn green. Finally, Gud is open to dialogue. Beans first compasses, then loses his bearings
Beans: "We could not fail to pass, we must not lower the pressure like this. Juve? I know the rivalry well, I experienced it from the opposite side..
Pradè: "Qualification worth double, it would have been difficult to drag the season to May otherwise. Thanks to the boys and Palladino, we want the feat with Juve
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