​Juve, what a disaster: another bad blow, this time even Elkann is involved

Juve, a new disaster for the team: bad blow for the Bianconeri, John Elkann is also involved

Juve, che disastro: altro brutto colpo, stavolta c’entra pure Elkann – SerieAnews

At home to Juventus, the situation is far from quiet. After the latest 0-4 defeat against Atalanta, which tarnished their performance and compromised the mood of the group, the Bianconeri find themselves in fourth place in the standings, but with many issues to be resolved, primarily Thiago Motta increasingly precarious at the Continassa, with the risk of exoneration around the corner.

Il bilancio della Juventus e il ritorno in attivo

Even off the field, however, there is no shortage of problems. One above all, that relating to the budget and the capital gains issue, which is once again in the spotlight, as is often the case when it comes to this team. In spite of the difficulties on the field, Juventus seems to have found some breathing space financially.

Il bilancio della Juventus e il ritorno in attivo (Ansa Foto) – SerieAnews

The financial statements for the year ended Dec. 31, 2024, recorded a profit of 16.9 million euros, marking the first return to profit since 2018. This result was also achieved thanks to a number of disposal operations, such as those of youngsters Soulé, Huijsen, Iling-Junior, and Barrenechea, which yielded significant sums for the coffers of the bianconeri club.

Yet it is precisely these transactions that could raise new controversies with Consob, the body that has already had occasion to challenge Juventus on some capital gains deals. In particular, the disposals of Iling-Junior and Barrenechea to Aston Villa could end up in the control body’s crosshairs.

The transactions were recorded as separate transactions, but Consob may see these disposals as part of a larger exchange, with the aim of reducing the impact of capital gains on the Bianconeri balance sheet.

For example, Iling-Junior was sold for 14 million euros, with a capital gain of 11.9 million, while Barrenechea generated 8 million, with a profit of 5.6 million. However, the valuation of Douglas Luiz, who was bought by Juventus for about 50 million, could be revised by Consob to a lower figure, close to 28 million.

Le accuse e i ricorsi legali contro la Juventus

The controversy over capital gains is not new for Juventus. Allegations regarding economic transactions date back to 2022 and 2024, and have also been pursued in court. The Juventus club appealed the Consob’s decisions to the Lazio Regional Administrative Court (Tar del Lazio), but no new verdicts have been issued at the moment.

The issue is therefore still open, and Juventus may face major developments in the future. It is an issue that has already raised much discussion, with some accusing the club of manipulating financial statements, while others defend the legitimacy of the transactions.

The truth is that the world of soccer, especially in Italy, is often marked by accusations and uncertainties about finances, but Juventus remains one of the most followed and discussed clubs in this context.

Juventus nel mirino della Consob: cosa sta accadendo

As the club tries to revive its sporting fortunes after a period of ups and downs, it is by no means certain that the issue of capital gains and Consob control will go away easily. It will be interesting to see whether, in the end, Juventus will be able to resolve this knot without further legal complications, or whether the situation will continue to cause arguments in court and among fans.

In the meantime, the team remains under pressure, both for results on the field and the management of the accounts, and all eyes are on how this matter will unfold. Will this be the last time Juventus comes under the crosshairs of the Consob? Not so sure, but it is certain that the challenges for the Bianconeri never end, and this time they may be even more complex than imagined.

This article Juve, what a disaster: another bad blow, this time Elkann is involved appeared in its original version first on SerieANews.

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