Napoli has set its sights on a defender who is already a major regret: worth zero euros, he may now be worth as much as 30 million
Da 0 a 30 milioni: Napoli, per il nuovo Koulibaly c’è una concorrenza spietata (Foto: LaPresse) –
There are stories that start quietly, like a song that begins softly and then suddenly explodes. Oumar Solet’s is one of them. Until a few months ago, even the most dedicated soccer fans would have had a hard time remembering where he played. Instead, today, his name is bouncing between Napoli, the Premier League and, hear hear, even in the orbit of Juventus. And not only that.
The starting point? A silent swoop by Udinese, which took home this French giant last fall at zero cost. Zero, you read that right. Salzburg had let him go after paying him 4.5 million in 2020.
One of those operations that in retrospect seem inexplicable, but which the Friulians turned into a winning bet. Today, millions for Solet number at least thirty, with some already whispering forty.
Napoli was among the first to notice him. The Azzurri faced him on the field, saw him live, and immediately noticed that mixture of power and Olympian calm that is so reminiscent of the first Koulibaly. And from there came the thought, “What if he is the right man for our defense?”
It is no coincidence that, in the last days of the winter market, there was a timid attempt to wrest him from Udinese, even if only in terms of the future. It did not go, but the game is certainly not over.
The Parthenopean managers know this well; they have realized the potential of this eventual acquisition. Solet, in addition to being a wall in marking, can also bring order to the maneuver, thanks to a polite left foot that allows him to do things you don’t expect from someone 6’2″ tall.
Effetto Premier League su Solet: potrebbe valere già 30 milioni di euro
However, there is one detail that makes everything more complicated. The Premier League is always on the hunt for reliable, young defenders, and on Solet there are already clubs ready to show up with suitcases full of pounds.
Effetto Premier League su Solet: potrebbe valere già 30 milioni di euro (LaPresse) –
English observers have been following him closely, aware that such a profile today is worth gold. And the figures circulating are already causing tremors: 30 million as the auction base, with a real possibility that it could even reach 40, if the particularly wealthy and particularly interested team arrives.
Udine is rubbing its hands together. The Pozzo’s strategy is clear: let the player grow a few more months, maybe showcase a couple of applauding performances, and then trigger an auction. A movie we’ve seen before in those parts, but one that works every time.
Then there is Juventus, which will recast next season, and also watch out for Lazio, the last team to face him and which has reportedly already inquired about the French defender. Kosta Runjaic, the Udinese coach, considers him indispensable and has built the team on him. It is hard to think that the club will deprive itself of its mainstay in the current season, but with certain offers you know, anything can happen.
The question is legitimate: is Oumar Solet really the new Koulibaly? Or is he perhaps something different? A modern central, capable of defending but also of building, with the calmness of someone who seems born to lead. Napoli is following him closely, the Premier is ready to go wild, and Serie A could see another headline-grabbing market duel.
This article From 0 to 30 million: Napoli, for the new Koulibaly there is fierce competition appeared first on SerieANews.